Real Estate Developer

The client, a real estate developer, was utilizing an on-line platform tailored for developers. This platform facilitated the showcasing of properties, complete with photos, VR tours, models, and detailed information for potential buyers. It also seamlessly integrated with the client's MLS system and platforms like Zillow and, enhancing property visibility.

The Opportunity

The client was looking to enhance their property listings with additional data to further attract potential buyers. However, the generic nature of their existing platform, which served a broad spectrum of developers, had limited opportunities for expansion and customization.

The Ask

My objective was to develop custom WordPress plugins that would enable the client to retain—and significantly extend the functionality of their existing system.

The Challenge

The challenge was formidable: their current provider had honed their product over a decade. My task was to replicate and enhance this functionality within a three-month timeframe.

The Solution

I devised a suite of custom WordPress plugins, mirroring the existing features while introducing substantial improvements. These plugins allowed the client to all of their existing functionality while adding multiple new features and updates. Some of which included a new interactive map of properties around the US and better integration with MLS, Zillow, and A standout feature was the creation of nightly scheduled jobs, ensuring that new properties and status updates were automatically imported from their MLS system. The new plugins were user-friendly and gave 100% of the control of the data to the client.

The new platform gave the client the agility to swiftly adapt to evolving industry trends and technologies.

Overcoming Challenges

The project a very thorough analysis of the company's processes plus a re-establishing of partnerships with key vendors, including MLS providers, Zillow, and This was essential to replicate and enhance functionalities reliant on these external entities.

Valuable Lessons

This project underscored the importance of agility in development. While the core of the solution involved crafting custom WordPress plugins, I leveraged existing plugins wherever feasible to maintain momentum during the condensed development period. This approach was instrumental in meeting project deadlines without compromising on quality or functionality.