Dating App Back-end Architecture

My client had a vision for a dating app that changes the way people date online and with his team had defined a specific set of requirements. All that was needed was someone to develop a scalable solution that would handle a high traffic load and implement the algorithms needed to provide a fruitful experience for users of the app.

The Opportunity

While my client already had a mobile app developer on board, the project's backend complexities demanded expertise beyond those of a typical mobile app developer. This involved devising sophisticated algorithms and an architecture robust enough to support the app's ambitious scope.

The Ask

The task was to develop an architecture and algorithms that would bring the founder's vision to life. This involved integrating several key technologies, including Amazon Web Services, a mapping service, and a local business directory.

The Challenge

Construct an architecture that fulfilled all client specifications, ensuring a fun, interactive, and rewarding experience for the app's users.

The Solution

The final solution implemented a carefully crafted "matching" algorithm that paired users based on distance and interests. It also provided them with all the tools necessary to lead up to a first date at a place they would both love. The solution leveraged external solutions such as Amazon Web Services, Twilio, and other providers.

Overcoming Challenges

A unique hurdle in this project was the integration of location-based service providers with our own custom location services. This was crucial for recommending first-date venues while also incorporating options from paid participating businesses, a complex task given the variety of services involved.

Valuable Lessons

This project taught me to leverage existing services to provide the best service possible while ensuring efficiency and speed of the back-end system.